Facebook Lead Ad Campaign 2022 for .80 a Lead
Here is a transcript of the video if you prefer to read about our Facebook Lead Ad Campaign for 2022 at .80 cents a lead.
Right now, February, 2022, how we're using the Facebook lead ad generation campaign objective for a local business. Thanks everybody for joining. I'm gonna try to do a lot more YouTube videos coming up in the future. I've been missing out on using this platform more and more. I have tons to share. I do a lot on Facebook, but, and TikTok, but I, I don't do enough on YouTube and I think I need to. So in today's video, I want to give you a case study on what we're doing right now for a local business in Canada here. And
We're using a Facebook lead ad campaign and I love doing whiteboard. Hopefully you can see it on the camera, but I love doing whiteboard so you can see what I'm talking about. You can take notes if you want, or you can take screenshots or it just, I just like doing, it's just like, it's like teaching and it feels like I'm trying to help you better if you can actually see it as well as hear my voice, talk about it. Just what I like to do. I have another big whiteboard as well, but I'm gonna use the the little stand the little tripod one for now,
But basically we're using, as you know, at the campaign level for Facebook, you can choose a whole bunch of different ways to run your ads. And the reason why Facebook knows who is more likely to take certain actions, like if you do a conversion campaign for a purchase and you tell Facebook, you want to do that, they are, they are going to put that ad in front of people that are more likely to do a conversion of a purchase, cuz they have that data. Facebook has so much data. So we're doing the lead ad campaign.
Facebook Lead Ad Campaign
So we're saying send this ad to people that are more likely to fill in the lead ad campaign or to fill in the lead ad form that shows up that's pre-populated by Facebook. So they don't leave the Facebook platform and go to our website they stay on Facebook. So when they click on our ad, they've got a little box and it's a lead ad form. And it's pre-populated with their, the email and name that Facebook knows they have. You can ask for more information, but we typically stick with name and email. It's the easiest one. The more things you ask for like phone number or country or address, they're less likely to fill it out or click submit. Cuz they just don't want that information, that much of information giving out and we go to a landing page on your website. There's more likely to fill it out. So because Facebook fills it and they might say, well, that's too much information. I don't want them to have it. And then it also means your cost might rise a little bit.
So we just basically go for email and name it's pre-populated. We have to have a privacy policy there for sure. On the next screen. we just link to the one that's on the website for this client. And then we have to tell them that they're going to once giving us their email, we'll send 'em the PDF that they're we're offering and then we'll give them send them other emails down the road. So basically it's like an opt-in right? And then any future emails we send out through bulk emailing, they'll get an UN unsubscribe link at the bottom.
Prepare a Valuable PDF in Exchange for Them Opting in
So what we're offering is a PDF of info. The client prepared this PDF we put it onto their website. So the PDF it's over here on their website. And then when the person fills in all the information on the form at the end, they'll click on a box, which will say, take me to the PDF. It'll go to the website where they can then download or read the PDF. It's this client tried one type of PDF. The first one, it didn't work. We'll just put an X there. I said, no, change it up. So she, the, the client changed it up and made it just a little better, a little more relevant. And now it's doing amazingly well. And this they're asking for a name, email and phone number. The reason, reason why is they typically sell a service that's high ticket. So we want that phone number so we can call them. And basically all they do is when they get the lead, they get the lead through the Facebook lead center. I'll go through that in a second and they call them and say, Hey, you got we saw that you got the PDF. Just want to make sure that you got it. If you had a chance to read it. And if you have any questions, I'm here to help you. They weren't going for the sale. They're just going for help.
So would they offer help? So one thing some clients do is they actually send, once they get this one, they put their, they send them five more emails, maybe two more emails related to that particular topic takes 'em further down the path of choosing them as their service provider. In this case we do a phone number. I don't think this client right now is putting them into a, we call that a sequence. I don't believe they're doing that. They're just simply getting the phone number, calling them. And of course you'll get wrong phone numbers, but that's just part of it. But the key key thing here, I just checked today. She's been running the ad for about two weeks. She's getting leads for 80, not dollars cents, 80 cents per lead for a high ticket service that they offer. This doesn't G the lead never guarantees are gonna get a sale, but if when you can get leads for 80 cents and this PDF topic is very related to the service they offer.
So the fact that they clicked on this link and asked for this PDF is a good indication that they're interested in the service they're providing and they're only paying 80 cents. One of my clients is doing a very similar type ad in a similar industry and they're paying $5 a lead, which is also unreal. So when they can get 80 cents amazing another client, somewhat similar industry, different province altogether, they're getting leads for about, I think it's two 80 through, they're all doing the lead generation campaign. And you may have heard that Facebook lost some abilities in their ad advertising platform when the iPhone kind of restricts access to tracking pixels. So which it has affected, some has affected others. Facebook's figuring it all out, but what can't be changed or taken away from them is the fact that this lead form, because it shows up on Facebook, like it's an on Facebook thing, that's still part of their app.
So they can still within the app. And they still have a lot of data on people that fill this form in. So it's becoming very popular and the costs are quite good. So we're gonna focus a lot more on these kind of campaigns or maybe even going to messenger messengers, another one to do because they're, you're not taking the customer off the platform. You don't have to worry about changes in the pixel, changes in blocking by iPhone or Google the size to do it. So we're actually those are great ones. So right now we're focusing on the lead ad, but the lead ads are working so well and the place you get the leads from in Facebook, they kind of keep moving things around, but you'll get it under the instant forms. And you get that through going to business suite or, or lead center and basically you can automate that when you get those emails, like one of my campaigns, I have it automated. So it go, hopefully you can see here that goes from Facebook and gets pushed to my autoresponder, which is called AWeber. And it's done through a service called Zapier, you don't need to do that though. This is only good if you are getting a lot of leads, which for that campaign, it was so that it's all automated, but most of my clients, they don't do it. They just basically go into the lead center. They pull the lead off the lead's available for 90 days from Facebook. And after that, you can't get it. So at it right away. And then you put it into your own campaign system, like one uses MailChimp, one just doesn't manually. So just pull those leads out with your name and emails, or you can export it as a CSV that import it into your program, whatever it is and the key is they gotta do this daily some way to week.
Key to Success is Follow Up
And I said, if you're spending any kind of money to get a lead, you need to act on that lead quickly. Cuz we all know we're all very busy when someone clicks on an ad by tomorrow, they'll forget. So I've had people that click on an ad and within hours they say, why are you sending me email? I don't know who you are. Well, you clicked on an ad. You got my, I got your email. I sent you a form and oh I didn't, you did no problem. I'll take you off less. No problem. But it happens all the time. I've had people not long ago. About a month ago, they clicked on an ad and then they said, I don't want this. I said, okay, well you clicked on the ad.
So no worries. You're not getting anything, but you clicked on the ad. No I didn't. Well they did because they typed in the word. So a lot of people don't understand how it all works. So my point is you gotta act very quickly because the ones that are interested in the thing you did, they still may forget, or they have to take your dog for a walk or something happened in your life. They had to go back to work. They got called in for work for two days. So you gotta quickly add, act on it. If you wait too long are gonna forget. And they're further away from that process of thinking about the service that you may be offering. But the beauty is, let's say you can't get in touch with 'em by the phone because they're going from your email into your sequence of some kind or just your regular newsletter. You can keep, keep in touch in that way. Cuz email is still very effective if you're providing lots of value and here's the key, everything you do on social media and ads has to provide some kind of value. And if a store, for example said, I want to discount my my trophies that I make, then you could say 50% off all trophies that's value. It's a salesy type value, but it is value 50% off or you offer PDF or some kind of training. And for those of you that I saw this trophy here it's a racketball trophy, but it was given to me as a ping pong trophy. When I was probably 14 or 15 years old, I won a tournament in our local town. That's my trophy that doesn't even gave my name on it. So it could be a lie but no, this is the one it's better around for so many years. I wonder if there's a date on the bottom here, there might be. I'll try to see if I can find a date, but this was in Quebec and I won a ping pong tournament.
Keep it. And I have a ping pong table right to my right here where I bring clients. We play ping pong. So to scare them off as a joke, I'll put the trophy on the, the table and say, how did this get here? Just to bug them. If everyone play pingpong, come in this SA tune, we'll play some pingpong. So this is how we're setting up the lead ad campaign of a couple different clients using it right now. It's very easy to set up. The first thing I suggest, if you want to do something like this is come up with your value or your, I would, I call it an offer, but I don't mean like for someone to go buy something, this is usually better to get a lead. So offer some kind of value related to your industry, like five tips on how to avoid flooding in your basement. Three tips on how to prepare your lawn in the spring to sell your home for $10,000 more. Here's a coupon. We did that recently. Here's a coupon for a, a sale that we have any way you want to get a lead the lead. If by creating the PDF, it's a great way to do it. Or some, some kind of value offer. You create it first. And the rest is easier. Just clicking a bunch of buttons to get it all set up. It's not that hard. You should if you deliver PDF, you should deliver it from your website cuz you can't make a downloadable link from the ad. It has to go to a page on your website, which would be the the link for that PDF. So you have to have a, a, a website where you can actually upload a PDF, but pretty much all platforms you use nowadays can put a PDF on there so people can download it. So that shouldn't be a problem for you.
If you want help, of course you can always comment below and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction on how, how to put it on your website. Creating PDFs is easy. You can do it in word. I have a Mac. So I use pages that can export it as a PDF. So it's not a problem there don't you have to make it fancy. You can just type it. A bunch of words, maybe add one graphic or not. It doesn't matter. It's all about the value create. No one cares so much about the presentation you can present did better over time, but I'd way rather see businesses put out the value. Now, even it's not the greatest PDF to give people value, make sure it's organized and you do spell check or that kind of thing, but make sure that it just, it provides value.
Don't worry about how pretty it looks right now. And then the rest is clicking a bunch of buttons. And then, I mean, how would you like to have for your business for 80 cents? If you have a business that leads are important to you if you own a shop that sells gum leads, aren't really what you look for. You're probably looking for a sale. So we would do something a little differently, but you could offer a, a coupon. So which is actually a lead, right? And we find that when you deliver coupons to your messenger, the coupon delivery is as, as immediate it's way more visible because if you send an email an email, for example, it's not people may miss the email, but messenger, it happens right away, pops up right there. You can also get emails from people from messenger, cuz you can't send bulk messages anymore for, for messenger. Maybe they'll bring it back somebody, but right now you can't. So you want to get them into your email program as well, which you can do through. We use a third party app called MiniChat to do this kind of thing, but think about what your offer is. And that's usually the most important thing. And I'm gonna put a little note here. Well that didn't clean very well. Let's do we'll wipe it here. The most important thing and anything you do in marketing and ads is always going to be your messaging. How are you clearly going to identify what your offer is? What your discount is, your PDF. This is where you have to spend all the work.
It's not in how to click a bunch of buttons. You can pay someone to do that. You can pay me to do it, to do all that, but this is the most important part is creating, which we can help you write that too. Cause that's really important. But like this is the way I have to spend most of your time and
People forget or don't realize, I don't know how to do Facebook ads. It's not about doing Facebook ads because Facebook ads are so fine tuned though. They'll get you the objective they'll they'll meet the objective you want them to do. It's part that's the most important. So create your message, create your offer. Think about your discount. And we have I have videos on my Facebook page. Talk about how to do that. I'll put, put one on YouTube. I don't think it is on yet, but maybe that'll be my next video is how to create these and what, what, what process we go through to find out what your offer and discount is. But that's how that's one of case studies right now. They've been running the ad for through two weeks I think. And they're running it for five bucks a day, which is usually the minimum we want you to start at.
So it's not a lot of money. It's 150 bucks a month. And here's the key is if it doesn't work, you shut it off. So her, the first ad was done at two bucks a day, which, which was a mistake. Then when they got me involved, then we switched to five bucks a day, but they, she didn't lose a lot of money like 20 bucks, 30 bucks, cause didn't work in five days where the new one worked within a day. So you can always adjust and grow. And if you live in a and you're doing local ads, typically you don't have to go much further. You can sometimes scale the 10, but pretty quickly you hit the maximum amount of people in your area, unless you live in New York where there's 8 million people, then for sure you could spend a little more money.
But when you know a lot of cities in Canada, don't, aren't that big. So you could get away with just doing five bucks a day or you make another one for five bucks a day. And another one, another one, we have some clients that do like video view ads and they have like two or three, which will do another video on that as well on how to do video view ads. And they they work super well and they're not that expensive and you can run five of them, promoting things about your business. So thank you so much for watching this video. I'd love to see you subscribe. I'm just kind of, I've been on YouTube for a long time, but I'm really gonna try to focus more on providing valuable content for all of viewers. So hit that eye button if you, if you can, that'd be awesome. like this comment below, if you have any questions about how it can relate to your business and if you want help just ask, I'll help you out in the comments or we can get on a call or through messenger. I'll love to help everybody out. Thanks so much for watching and well stay tuned for my next video. And I think I'll talk about how we teach custom thems, how to create or what they should create or what should they should offer. What is their messaging to make sure that the ad is the most successful. So we'll see them.