I hate hashtags in social media. Well, I really don’t hate them. I just think that most businesses over use them all the time on their social media accounts. Especially on Facebook.
Watch the video below to see how I really feel.
Here is why.
Most businesses do not know how to use hashtags in social media or what they are really for so they end up just posting a bunch of hashtags because it seems to be the thing to do. Well that is wrong. It is only the thing to do if you use them properly. Many sites use hashtags and Instagram users seems to tolerate using them the most as Instagram posts have a ton of them. But that does not mean that it works on every platform. You don’t want to use hashtags are the content. The hashtags are supposed to bring attention to your content, not be the content.
Three ways your business should effectively use hashtags in social media.
Here are three ways to use hashtags properly for your business in social media.
The first way is to put hashtags in your posts so that people can find your content. Just use two or three hashtags that are related to your content so people can find it and engage with you. Let’s say you have this amazing recipe for bacon doughnuts. You could put a hashtag in your post like #baconrecipes. That way people will find your content if they are interested in bacon recipes.
The second way to use hashtags effectively is to create your own hashtags. You can create funny, interesting, catchy hashtags to gain attention to your brand. You can create a hashtag for a contest so people can post content related to the hashtag you created. Again using the bacon recipe example, let’s say you wanted to create some awareness for you upgraded bacon doughnut recipe and wanted to create some fun around it. You could create a hashtag #bacondoughnutsrule. When you post all your content on all the platforms, you could always post that hashtag. You could ask people to participate by hashtagging their comments to your posts or creating their own content on bacon doughnuts.
The third way to use hashtags effectively in your social media is to search for hashtags on the different platforms for topics related to your industry. You want to do this to see what is trending and to find content to get involved with and engage with your audience. If you wanted to find people that are talking about bacon recipes, you could search hashtags related to bacon. Then you can also get involved in the conversations, get engaged and by doing that you will gaining awareness for your brand.
Test out hashtags to get them to work for you.
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