SSSVEDA stands for Savvy Sexy Social Vlog Every Day in August. This particular challenge is put on by Amy from The idea is that you vlog every day in August to get into the habit of vlogging every day, to get better at being on video and to create great content for your audience. I am a little behind on my first video but I will catch up.
Amy provides a calendar of topics to discuss each day so I will be following that PLUS I will also talk about a topic related to marketing. It could be some training, a question or a rant but it will be related to marketing.
In this first video, I introduce myself and talk a little bit about me. Then I answer the question, Who Owes Who a Thank you? This related to whether the business owner or person working for that business owes the customer a thank you or does the customer owe the business a thank you. By observation you will notice that usually it is the customer thanking the business. This is absolutely backwards. It should ALWAYS be the other way around. So many times in a day, whether I am shopping locally or online, I see the customer thanking the business and rarely do I see the business thanking the customer. This stops today. If you are a business owner or work for a business, start thanking your customers daily today.
Thank you for watching this video and thank you to all the SSSVEDA partipants for being in this community and sharing.
Share this video if you want! See you in the next video.